Saturday, March 17, 2012


Unfortunately, drumming can be a very dangerous activity to undertake and the most common silent killer amongst our community is industrial deafness.  Today it's rare to see professional musicians performing without some type of ear protection.  But the word doesn't seem to have spread throughout the ranks.  The fact is that the constant unprotected exposure to certain frequencies & loud noises (as made by a drum  kit, or band  ;) will damage your hearing permanently.   This is simple to overcome, use ear plugs or noise reduction head phones during practice sessions and gig's. if possible
  Please Note: This goes for not only the musicians playing their instruments for anybody in the practice room... use ear plugs
  We've all been to concerts in our youth and bragged the next day to our friends how loud it is was!, "it so loud that my ears are still ringing" !!!.  The ringing sound in your ears indicates you've seriously damaged your hearing and is a pretty similar experience to the sound that plagues people with permanent ear damage, for the rest of their life... Most serious ear damage is the result of only a few over exposures, so be careful..  THERE IS NO CURE
   Earplugs are easy to obtain and are used in factories all over the world.  You should be able to find them at any drug store (chemist to some) or even supermarkets.   They normally last a week or more with mild use, but should be constantly replaced ! (daily if possible).  A more expensive and better long term solution, is to have a set of custom ear plugs made for you.  Your local hearing specialist should be able to do this for you

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