Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cleaning Drums

There are different opinions on what's acceptable and what's not with regard to cleaning drums.
Windex is a cleaning solution that many feel comfortable using. Remember that any spray on cleaner should be sprayed directly on the rag, not the drum itself. Some drummers use furniture polish on the drums but remember that wax buildup can occur over time. If you're going to use wax polish, it is recommended to use it sparingly. Take the time to dust your drums with a feather duster before using a rag. This is because some large particles of dust can scratch the finish of the drum if you're not careful. Also, be sure you use a clean, extra-soft rag. We recommend the microfiber cloths that are used to polish furniture and cars. Again, this helps prevent scratching of the surface of the drum. For chrome hardware, use Windex or a chrome polish.

There are many drum cleaners and polishes on the market. Here is a list of some of them.
Trick Drum Polish
Lizard Spit Drum Polish
Dunlop Drum Shell 65 Polish and Cleaner 4.99 at Musicians Friend
Hemp Oil Drum Polish - Genuine Products
Vater Drum Polish

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